HUT Kelompok Usaha Bakrie ke-78, H. Achmad Bakrie Otodidak Sejati

HUT Kelompok Usaha Bakrie ke-78, H. Achmad Bakrie Otodidak Sejati (Foto Dok. Perpustakaan Bakrie) (Foto : )

Yang kau berikan kepadaku Bimbinglah aku, hari ini Di dalam menunaikan tugasku. “Covenants without swords, die but words”. (Thomas Hobbes, l7 th Century). “If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it.” “Knowing where the bread is buttered.” “Give your bussiness a chance without taking chances.” “One cannot help the poor by discouraging the rich.” “To find riches ia a beggars dreams, to find love is a dream of kings.” THOUGHT ON TAIPOOSAM DAY One night a man had a dream, He was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life